Company overview
About Bosch Business Innovations

Since 1886, innovative Bosch products and solutions have been sparking enthusiasm, improving quality of life, and helping to conserve natural resources.
At Bosch Business Innovations (formerly grow platform), we aim to contribute to a strong and meaningful development as well as financial independence of our company. In times of constant change, we identify and shape new markets and industries, thereby preserving Bosch's entrepreneurial freedom.
At a glance: Bosch Business Innovations
Ownership, portfolio data, global ecosystem — key figures at a glance (as of February 2024)
100% Bosch
as a fully-owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH
64% average revenue growth of portfolio
generated year-on-year for active portfolio since 2019
7 business innovations
are currently part of the global funding portfolio
8 innovation hubs
across the Americas, Europe Middle East Africa, and Asia-Pacific
What we do
At Bosch Business Innovations, we identify, accelerate, and scale business ideas – from early-stage to industrialization.
As an end-to-end innovation facilitator, we drive new business building in defined investment areas and portfolios, ensuring strategic fit for the Bosch Group. Shaped by continuous learning and development, we guide idea owners and intrapreneurs throughout all stages from idea validation and go-to-market to scaling.
Learn more about our methodologies and innovation phases.

Building new businesses from scratch is a complex challenge requiring diverse skills and dynamics. With full-scale support, we kick-start strategies and operations in all domains together.
Whether you need a business partner, operational side-kick, strategist, mentor or coach, we support you in building your business - from engineering and product development, commercial or legal issues, to team and cultural development.
Scouting external technologies and start-ups in global ecosystems is essential for us to stay at the forefront and adapt to rapidly changing markets. With our Startup Harbour program we aim to foster mutual co-innovation, learnings, and trusted collaborations.
Where we come from
Bosch creates New Business Teams in Brazil and China to accelerate new business innovations.
The Bosch internal initiative RADAR from the United States, New Business Teams from India, and the Robert Bosch Start-up Platform (later renamed grow platform) from Germany follow the mission.
Additional initiatives from Japan called FUJI as well as the German program CERES kick-off their activities.
grow platform GmbH is established to combine all six innovation hubs into one global network with common objectives and strategy.
The ASEAN region, headquartered in Singapore, Bosch Africa with two locations in Kenya and South Africa, as well as the Middle East join the grow platform network.
Coming out of the Bosch North America's business development department, the region officially opens their grow platform Innovation Hub North America. Later the legal entity Bosch grow platform LLC is established.
The grow platform organization with its eight international innovation hubs was transformed into Bosch Business Innovations. In addition, the expanded unit consolidates Bosch's external Startup Harbor program, opening a second German office in Berlin.